Monthly Archives: April 2017

Reviews, reviews, reviews

This month’s topic — reviews. Love them, hate them, how to get them.

I love to get reviews; that way I know that people are reading my books. I’d be delighted to get more of them. However, I’m as guilty as anyone for frequently reading and loving a book — I’m a voracious reader, and I’m rarely without a book to read — and neglecting to post a review.

What motivates you to post a review? What would it take for you to post more of them?


Marci Baun
Dr. Bob Rich
Skye Taylor
Beverley Bateman
Victoria Chatham
Helena Fairfax
Rachael Kosinski
A.J. Maguire
Margaret Fieland
Connie Vines
Rhobin Courtright

Interview with Izzy Szyn, author of Resurrection of Artemis

(1) Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born and raised in Detroit. Moved to Oklahoma City five years ago for a job in a call center. Happily single with one furchild named Misty a chihuahua/terrier mix.
(2) How did you get started writing?
I started almost three year ago when a friend of mine dared me to write when she heard someone’s book plot that was all over the place. She said I bet you could write better.
(3) What attracted to science fiction and fantasy? Is it the only genre you write in?
I always been sort of a geek, I loved to read comic books, especially Batgirl, Catwoman and Lois Lane. This was actually my first attempt at writing a superhero. A group of us one night came up with an anthology featuring superheroes/villains. I have been toying with the idea of writing a part two. If I get enough positive feedback, I probably will.
I write menages,  I guess you could say that’s my genre. I write in modern and paranormal. I love paranormal because you can create your own rules.
(4) How much research did you have to do for your book?
This one I did a lot, because of the plot. The call center where I work deals with iphone tech support, one day there was an outage, people were going nuts. I thought what if? I researched how hard would it be to hold technology hostage.
But the hardest part was trying to find names for my superheroes and my villain that hadn’t been used before.
(5) What is your writing process?
I just write when it hits me, I have so many ideas in my head that need to get out.
Lori Foster, she was the first author I became friends with. She shows that not only can you be a successful writer, but that you should give back. If I ever get to that point, I hope to emulate her.
(6) Do you have an all-time favorite book, and if so, what is it?
Favorite book is more like a favorite child. I have so many by different authors.
(7) What writers have influenced you the most, and how?
Lori Foster is one, Mina Carter, Cynthia Sax and Barbara Devlin for encouraging me to write. That I wasn’t crazy to start.
(8) What would you like readers to take away from your work.
Just to feel good, life is so serious, with jobs, kids, bills, it’s nice to take a brain vacation and read.
(9) What are you working on now?
I’m working on the follow up to Wendi and Tink called Bella and the Beast it is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, but in this one the beast is a woman who is cursed with scars.
I also just started working on a short that is set to come out this summer with Candi Fox and Bobbi Romans to name a few. Mine is titled Oh What a Night.
(10) Where can readers find you on the web?
Facebook, Twitter, I do a little Instagram.
(11) Where can they purchase your book?
Amazon and it is part of Kindle Unlimited


Resurrection of Artemis
 by Izzy Szyn 

Izzy will be awarding a $10 Amazon to one randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Please use the RaffleCopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here. 


Once known as the infamous hacker Artemis, Amy Wilson now works in a coffee shop. With only months until the end of her probation from working in the technological industry that she loves, Amy is determined to keep Artemis dead and buried. 
When incidents similar to the ones Amy did start occurring all fingers start pointing in Artemis’ direction, and three people that want Artemis to come out of retirement. 
Quail City’s super heroes Dark Master and Calypso aka as multi-billionaire Noah Adams and his assistant Vanessa London know Amy’s secret, and also know that she is being set up. Having spent months in a flirtmance with Amy, they are tired of waiting and want both her and Artemis in their bed. 
Hinderer wants to hold technology hostage, but in order to do that he needs Artemis’ assistance, and he will use any methods necessary to gain her cooperation. 

Amazon Buy Link 
Available on Kindle Unlimited

“People have been mentioning Artemis,” Calypso said. “You wouldn’t have heard anything?”
They knew, Amy thought. Somehow they knew. “No, Artemis isn’t here anymore. At least from what I heard.”
“Damn shame, too,” complained one of the customers in the shop. “Not the Artemis that is playing with the lights and stuff. But the Artemis who liked to help people with their problems.”
“Yeah, I think if someone is behind it, it’s someone pretending to be Artemis, or trying to shift the blame on her,” said another customer. “She may have done some things, but she’d never deliberately set out to get people hurt.”
Amy smiled at the person that made the comment. “I’ve been here all day. But it’s more than the traffic lights. Didn’t I hear that the other day the Financial District was shut down because the money showed at zero?”
“That is something that Artemis had fun with,” Dark Master commented. “Or had in the past.”
“I’m sure that whatever has been happening in Quail City has nothing to do with Artemis,” Amy replied.
“Hope for Artemis’ sake it’s true,” Calypso said. “Williams is ranting and raving in Commissioner James’ office asking for her to be arrested.”
Just bet he is, thought Amy. “Is there anything else I can get you?” Amy asked them. She saw that it was almost six and the last bus going towards her apartment would be there any minute.
“You in our bed,” Calypso said in her ear. “Your blue hair will look glorious on our pillows.” Then out loud stated, “That’s all for now.” 
Author Info: 

New York Times Bestselling Author Izzy Szyn was born in May of 2014 when a friend dared her to write. Born and raised in Detroit, Mi. Izzy now lives in Oklahoma City with her furchild Misty, the friendliest Chihuahua/Terrier you will ever meet. Currently works in a call center, where she writes in between phone calls.
Izzy loves to keep in touch with her readers. Email her at

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a Rafflecopter giveaway